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PVCICS offers the following athletic teams for middle and high school students.  Parents must complete the required forms below for their child to participate.  For more information, please contact or .


For Middle School students (6-8th graders):

  • Middle School boys and girls soccer  (Fall)

  • Middle School co-ed cross country (Fall)

  • Middle School boys and girls basketball  (Winter)

  • Middle School co-ed Ultimate Frisbee (Spring)  

  • Middle School baseball (Spring)

  • Middle School softball (Spring)


For High School students:

  • High School boys and girls soccer (Fall)

  • High School co-ed cross country (Fall)

  • High School boys and girls basketball (Winter)   

  • High School co-ed Ultimate Frisbee (Spring)

Winter-Spring Sports Banquet 

Following up on the success of the first PVCICS Fall Sports Banquet, we will be recognizing the accomplishments of the students participating on the basketball teams during the Winter season and the baseball, softball, and ultimate frisbee teams this Spring with a Winter-Spring Sports Banquet.  The event will held on Wednesday May 31, 2017 at 6:00 pm in the PVCICS gym.  Members of of all the teams will be recognized individually for their contributions to their respective sports team(s).  We do have several students who play on more than one team during the school year and they deserve to be recognized for each of the teams they represent.


Tickets are now on sale. The prices will remain the same as they were for the Fall banquet: $10 for adults and $5 for PVCICS students and children under 12.  Winter and Spring athletes will be admitted free of charge.  Tickets can be purchased from the coaches, athletic director, and main office.

HS Ultimate
High School Ultimate Schedule
MS Ultimate
Middle School Ultimate Schedule
Middle School Baseball Schedule
MS Baseball
2017 Fall

Fall 2017 Sports Schedule

A schedule for the Fall Sports teams can be found on this page. We will once again be offering soccer and cross country for students in grades 6-12.  The practice schedule for soccer will be Monday and Wednesday for boys and Tuesday and Thursday for girls. Practices are scheduled to be held from 4:30-6:00 at the Hadley Young Men's Club. There is also a schedule of games for both teams included.  Games are not always going to take place on designated practice days. Parents should check out the complete schedule to see the specific dates for both practices and games. Please remember to move the schedules forward to the months of September and October to see the practice and game schedules. Students should not sign up for a team if they will not be able to make a commitment to attend all practices and games. Cross Country practices will be held on Mondays and meets will be held every Wednesday during September and October.


These schedules will be finalized once there is confirmation of sufficient participation of players.  Parents wishing to register their students for a Fall sports team should send an email to the athletic director at by June 15 so that the proposed schedules can be finalized.  Please indicate the player name, grade level, and sport in the email.

Middle School Boy's Soccer Schedule
Middle School Girl's Soccer Schedule
Cross Country Schedule

2017 Alyssa and Hannah Sites

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