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Pioneer Valley Chinese Immersion Charter School!


Enrollment Applications


PVCICS is accepting applications for the Fall of 2017. Enrollment Applications are  available on the 'Enrollment' page. A link can be found under Navigation to the left. Further instructions can be found on the 'Enrollment' page.



The Pioneer Valley Chinese Immersion Charter School (PVCICS) prepares K- 12th grade students for academic and personal success through rigorous study and instruction aligned with the state and federal government standards, augmented with Chinese language and culture. PVCICS's goals are to graduate students with excellent scholarship, high proficiency in Mandarin Chinese and English, plus sensitivity to multiple cultures. PVCICS serves the Pioneer Valley region.

School Calendar and Hours

PVCICS complies with state requirements for the minimum number of days and hours open. PVCICS operates 180 days a year. PVCICS’s Kindergarten and 1st grade schedule is from 8:30 AM to 3:30 PM. For students in 2nd grade and higher, the schedule is from 8:30 AM to 4:15 PM. Students may start arriving at 8:15 AM. The longer day is seen in other charter schools and allows more time for instruction and enrichment activities.

Educational Program

PVCICS uses a "one-way" immersion model, meaning most students will enter the program with no knowledge of Chinese. Chinese language acquisition occurs naturally by using Chinese as the language of instruction during a portion of the day. This approach is becoming very popular because it produces high academic outcomes and bilingual/bi-literate students.


As a Massachusetts public charter school, PVCICS offers a curriculum aligned with the Massachusetts Curriculum Frameworks/Common Core. PVCICS students receive instruction in core subjects (mathematics, English language arts, science, and social studies) and in art, music, health, and physical education. Students also study Chinese Language Arts and culture. PVCICS administers the MCAS tests starting in grade 3.

Support for Special Education and English Language Learners

Children with special needs and who are English Language Learners are welcome at PVCICS. See the FAQ, Students with Disabilities Notice, and the English Language Learners Notice of Rights by clicking the links of finding the former under About Us and the latter two under Legal Information in the menu above.

K-12 Program


PVCICS's educational program provides students with a continuous K-12 Chinese immersion program that allows them to develop high proficiency in both languages.  Subjects taught in English are taught by teachers with native English proficiency. Subjects taught in Chinese are taught by a bilingual Chinese/English teacher with native or near-native proficiency in Chinese. Art, music, health and physical education are taught in English or Chinese.  

Elementary Program, Grades K-5

In grades K-1, 75% of the daily instruction is in Chinese and 25% in English. In grades 2nd-5th, 50% of the daily instruction is in Chinese and 50% in English. Elementary school subjects are taught by a grade level team of Chinese and English teachers, where each teacher focuses on a particular subject. 

Middle School, Grades 6-8

In grades 6-8, 25% of the daily instruction is in Chinese and 75% in English.  Middle school subjects are taught by specialist teachers focused on their subject area. Students take five core subjects (English, Math, Science, Social Studies/History and Chinese) and take three specials classes (art, music and physical education) for the entire school year.   

High School, Grades 9-12

In grades 9-12, 25% of the daily instruction is in Chinese and 75% in English.  The high school program is designed to be an academically challenging college preparatory program with an international focus. The 9th and 10th grade program prepares students for the two year International Baccalaureate (IB) Diploma Programme in 11th and 12th grades. For more information on the high school, please click here.

International Baccalaureate World School


PVCICS is authorized as an International Baccalaureate (IB) World School.  PVCICS shares a common commitment with IB schools around the world to deliver a high quality international education to students.

Only schools authorized by the IB Organization can offer the Diploma Programme.  For further information about the IB and its programmes, visit

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